
Candiani Denim partner of GenovaJeans for a sustainable future

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GenovaJeans is the annual event focused on the sustainable future of the garment that owes its name to the Ligurian city. Its first edition took place from September 2 to 6, 2021, during 5 days that unified jeans’ history and it’s future from a sustainability perspective and was organized by the City of Genoa in partnership with Candiani Denim, Diesel, and ArteJeans.

What is GenovaJeans?

GenovaJeans is the first event in the world designed for companies and consumers and focused on the sustainable future of the garment that owes Genoa its name. The Ligurian city promises to be a leader in searching for environmentally friendly textile technologies and wants to involve everyone, from manufacturers to final consumers, in the green revolution to save our planet.

The Genoese garment has turned the fashion industry and global society’s customs and traditions upside down, becoming a symbol for many generations. New challenges are now present in the jeans world, which acts as a pioneer in committing to a more sustainable future and involves producers and consumers making more informed and responsible choices without affecting the quality of the products.

GenovaJeans 2021, the program and the journey

GenovaJeans 2021 program provided interested companies and consumers with a journey assigned to tradition and innovation of the world’s most famous and common garment. 

The itinerary started at Biblioteca Universitaria, where historical exhibits and multimedia stations showed jeans’ history, from their Genoese origins to their evolutions during the centuries. It also housed conferences, an info point, and a ticket office.

Down via di Prè were the shop windows displaying Diesel’s vision of jeans’ future. In via di Prè it was possible to visit DIESEL for successful living | The history of advertising and DIESEL for responsible living | A journey towards a sustainable future, while DIESEL’s replica of the first jeans ever took up the well-known via del Campo sung by Fabrizio de André. Via di Prè, via del Campo e via San Luca are aiming at becoming through time via del Jeans, i.e. Jeans Street, a cultural and touristic hub for this kind of production thanks to the presence of merchants, entrepreneurs, and artisans. A project to promote high-quality Made in Italy in the Medieval historical center where jeans were manufactured, marketed, and used.

The journey continued to the interactive exhibition Behind the seams. Quanto credi di sapere del tuo jeans?, set up in Mercato Comunale in piazza dello Statuto in collaboration with Candiani Denim and focused on the environmental impact of jeans’ production, as well as on new sustainable solutions.

The next stage was Museo del Risorgimento, displaying Garibaldini jeans and the artwork Ritratto di Giuseppe Garibaldi, donated by the artist Ian Berry, who decided to pay homage to the hero of two worlds. 

On Palazzo Ducale portico, the exhibition Diesel’s denim heritage. A walking in its archive took place. It included iconic pieces from the company’s private archive. Museo Diocesano was then home of Teli della Passione, recognized as jeans’ ancestors. They are 14 huge linen and cotton cloths dyed with indigo and painted by Teramo Piaggio and his collaborators in 1540, which narrate the Passion of the Christ. 

The itinerary ended at the Metelino building with the exhibition ArteJeans, un mito nelle trame dell’Arte contemporanea. It displayed 36 artworks donated to Genoa by several international contemporary artists because of the future Jeans Museum.

During GenovaJeans, the symbol of the Ligurian city, the Lantern, was lit up in blue at sunset. The initiative’s purpose was to honor the most famous garment and underline the social and identity value that can originate from the cultural heritage.

Candiani Denim at the forefront of jeans’ sustainability

Jeans have become a symbol for many generations, but now their future is linked to the new sustainability challenges. Involving consumers and manufacturers to make informed and responsible choices towards the environment is necessary to give jeans a greener feature without losing quality. Candiani Denim has always been at the forefront of producing a more sustainable denim.

The textile and fashion industry faces several issues nowadays: excessive water usage, the spread of plastics and microplastics in the oceans, and overproduction are some of the most pressing.

GenovaJeans aims not only to make the city the home of jeans again. The event also proposes Genoa as leader of the textile industry’s sustainable innovation, letting a green revolution in the blue world start, in partnership with Candiani Denim, a leading mill in manufacturing eco-fabrics.

“In a world where resources are dwindling and landfills are overflowing with discarded clothing, we need to look for renewable resources in addition to biodegradable and compostable materials”, Alberto Candiani, president of Candiani Denim, said.

Behind the seams

The exhibit Behind the seams. Quanto credi di sapere del tuo jeans? was realized in collaboration with Candiani Denim. It illustrated the environmental impact people’s purchase choices have to invite consumers to make more informed decisions. The multi-sensory journey was split into two contrasting parts. The first one was about the current negative context and all the blue world’s challenges, while the second had a positive change and awareness vision based on sustainable production and consumption. Candiani Denim got the chance provided by the exhibit to explain how its innovations are already appropriate to offer circular solutions to jeans manufacturing.

Candiani Denim’s presence at GenovaJeans 2021

Alberto Candiani took part in the press conference that opened GenovaJeans 2021, during which the music documentary Jeans – The Genoa-R-Evolution, produced by Pulse Films Italia and directed by Tobia Passigato and Laura Borgio, was displayed. He also moderated the panel Jeans and the circular economy.

Simon Giuliani, global marketing director of Candiani Denim, was involved in the panel What does it take to make a pair of jeans? and introduced the book Jeans before Blue Jeans written by Marzia Cataldi Gallo.

GenovaJeans 2023, save the date

GenovaJeans will come back in 2023. The second edition will offer its visitors a rich and varied program focused on jeans’ future and sustainable innovation. Candiani Denim will be a partner of GenovaJeans 2023.

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