
COREVA™ is the first circular stretch fabric for sustainable jeans

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COREVA™ is the name of the technology patented by Candiani Denim to create the world’s first biodegradable and compostable stretch denim, as well as our solution to some of the primary environmental problems affecting the fashion industry, such as overproduction and the massive use of synthetic fibers. To design COREVA™, we focused on what happens at the end of your sustainable jeans life cycle, starting to lead the denim sector to a circular model.

Overproduction and the environmental impact of fashion

Since 2000, global clothing production has doubled to almost 100 billion items per year. Meanwhile, overproduction has decreased the average number of times a garment is worn by 36%. Due to the growing amount of discarded clothes and their low quality, upcycling is becoming increasingly more difficult. As a result, approximately 25 billion garments end up in landfills or are burned annually without even being worn.

The environmental impact of fashion is enormous. Synthetic materials obtained from fossil fuels made the sharp growth of clothing production possible. Around 71% of the produced clothes contain synthetic fibers releasing microplastics into the environment during their entire life cycle. They require hundreds of years to decompose when thrown away, still wasting toxic substances and harming the planet. Stretch jeans, up to 80% of their reference market, are also composed of synthetic oil-based fibers.

Candiani Denim’s COREVA™ stretch technology

COREVA™ stretch technology, patented by Candiani Denim and born after five years of research and development, offers a solution to textile fibers’ harmful environmental impact at the end of their life. Therefore, we replaced synthetic stretch yarns with a core of natural rubber where organic cotton wraps without compromising denim’s elasticity, durability, and physical qualities.

COREVA™ does never release microplastics into the environment since it does not contain elastane, which is used to produce conventional stretch denim. Our alternative to oil-based products, 100% based on plants and renewable resources, starts the transition towards a real circular model in the denim industry. Raw materials become fabrics, and then garments that can return to nature and be used as fertilizer to grow new raw materials. Hence, not only does COREVA™ eliminate the negative effects linked to clothing disposal, but at the end of its life cycle, it also ensures an even positive impact on the planet.

COREVA™ stretch technology has been approved by GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), the world’s leading certifying body for sustainable fashion and responsible production in the textile industry.

Results from biodegradability, compostability, and eco-toxicity testing

COREVA™ underwent some biodegradability, compostability, and eco-toxicity testing. The fabric sample decomposed by 98.1% after 12 weeks, clearly exceeding the 90% threshold identified by the EN 13432 requirements, the European Union’s standard, to determine if a material is compostable.

Moreover, these tests established that COREVA™ causes higher plant germination and growth when available in the soil compared to the reference compost. The two seeds used, mung bean and barley, showed superior germination of 1.2% and 4.4%, respectively, as well as increased growth of 22.5% and 23.9%, respectively.

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