
Candiani Denim’s Open Mill Day: transferring knowledge to consumers

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In 2018, in honor of Candiani Denim’s 80th anniversary, we hosted our first Open Mill Day. This annual event aims to showcase the “realities of everyday production in the textile industry, inspiring questions and showing there is a difference when a company commits to innovation and invests in sustainability”.

Open Mill Day wants to increase the awareness of production processes

The denim industry is one of the most polluting in the fashion industry. It happens because people are unaware of the production processes of the items they buy: where do they come from? Who made them, and how? Our Open Mill Day aims to transfer this knowledge from who produces to who consumes and increase their awareness of production processes.

Open Mill Day 2018: what is behind the denim production process?

We invited about 70 supply chain partners, designers, media, and other industry stakeholders to Open Mill Day 2018. Our purpose was to show them what happens behind the scenes of the denim production process, from spinning to laundry, in our two factories in Robecchetto con Induno, close to Milan, and its hamlet, Malvaglio.

Gianluigi and his son Alberto Candiani, the former and current President of Candiani Denim, and Simon Giuliani, Global Marketing Director of the mill, led our guests through this extraordinary journey.

The tour’s starting point was at Candiani Denim’s cotton warehouse, hosting an exhibition on denim’s evolution from workwear to premium and sustainable fabric. Then, the group was led through the denim-making process in the mill’s spinning, dyeing, weaving, finishing, and laundry departments. A series of panels underlined the sustainable properties of all the production steps, such as the amount of water, energy, and chemicals saved.

Those who attended our Open Mill Day received a bag made from ReGen fabric containing our sustainability report and three meters of ReGen fabric to produce their own pair of sustainable jeans.

“When it comes to denim, no one can really know what is behind unless they see it for real. I wanted to open the doors of my own house; I was literally raised here. Open Mill Day is there to give you tools to understand what we are talking about”, Alberto Candiani said.

Open Mill Day 2019: how can we improve the traceability of products?

Open Mill Day was repeated in 2019. We believe that the knowledge should be brought back to people, improving the traceability of products and letting consumers understand where they are sourced and how they are manufactured.

The awareness around sustainability is increasing globally, but confusion around this topic is simultaneously growing. So, being informed about production processes is necessary to put consumers in the position of making their own evaluations. More and more people are interested and want to know what really is behind their purchases.

Opening up our doors in total transparency aims to share knowledge about a production process with the people who make and sell jeans. We hope that through their understanding, they will appreciate what is behind a pair of jeans, and they will be able to transfer that knowledge further to their clients to create an educational process which elevates the understanding of a product”, Simon Giuliani explained.

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